Our season is finished, but you can still check out the events that we didn’t have time to play.

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Bite the Bag

Players take turns bending over to grab a paper bag with their mouth. Only their feet can touch the ground, and only their mouth can touch the bag. After each round an inch of material is removed from the bag. Lowest bite wins.

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Bryan

Who is the Fastest

40m, 100m, 200m and 400m foot race events.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Hula Hoop Marathon

Everyone gets a hula hoop, and starts hula hooping at the same time. Once started the hoop must continually rotate without being touched by hands/arms, and may not go above the shoulders or below the knee. If the hoop drops below the hips the contestant has 30 seconds to recover it back above the hips. Last person still hula hooping wins.

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Bryan

Shoot ’em Full of Lead

Pairs of participants face off firing beebees at a pair of boxes hanging from a balance. Whoever gets their box to tip the balance first wins.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Putting in Circles

We will set up a disc golf basket and mark concentric rings around it every 10 feet. Every participant will take 10 shots, which are scored based on the number of rings away from the basket they are (e.g. 10 – 20′ shots are worth 1 point, 20 – 30′ are worth 2 points, etc.). Participants will each throw one shot at a time, so that we can all decide our next shot based on how everyone else is doing.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Don’t Spill a Drop (teams)

In pairs, throw a cup of water back and forth.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Don’t Spill a Drop pt2

Frisbee full of water, obstacle course, you do the math!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Don’t Spill a Drop

From the top of a ladder, pour a gallon of water into an empty container. Most weight in the container wins.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Sack Race

Every competitor stands with both feet in a burlap sack at a starting line and pulls it up to their waist, then hops forward towards a finish line. First to cross the finish line wins.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Bryan

Cricket (Darts) Tournament

Teams of two compete against each other to score the most points while “closing out” numbers 15 through 20 and bullseye. Single elimination tournament.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Bryan

Water Balloon Foot Put

Like shot put, but with a water balloon and your feet.

Contestants balance a water balloon on one of their feet, and attempt push or ‘put’ it as far down the range as possible before it breaks. Furthest distance reached by a balloon before it breaks wins.

Best of 3 attempts, or 3 qualifying attempts and then best of 3 in a final, depending on number of contestants.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Bryan

Who’s the Loudest?

At a range of 1′, each participant takes turns yelling as loud as possible at a DB meter. 3 attempts per participant.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Kickball (The Drinking Game)

A combination of beer pong and flip cup, greater than the sum of its parts.

4 cups are arranged in a straight line on each end of the table and filled partially with beer. These are the shooting bases (First, Second, Third, Home). 3 more cups are place on each side of the table, These are the running bases (First, Second, Third).

One team of 4+ players is ‘in the field’, the other is ‘kicking’. One kicker at a time shoots on the opponents cups. Three strikes (misses) and they’re out. If they bounce a ball off of a cup and it’s caught by a fielder, they’re out. If they sink a cup, they’re on base, and proceed to the corresponding ‘running base’ cup on the side of the table. Meanwhile the fielders drink the both the sunk cup and any cups in front of it before refilling them.

At any time while at their base on the side of the table a runner has the opportunity to try to steal. They do so by drinking and flipping their running base cup faster than a defending fielder can do the same on the opposite side of the table. If they win they advance a base, if they lose they’re out.

Play continues until the fielders get three outs, then the teams switch roles to complete the inning. The game continues for 7 innings or 90 minutes, whichever is shorter.

Categories: Drinking
Submitted by Bryan

Champagne Cork Driving Range

Who can launch a champagne cork the farthest? This event will require an entry fee for each contestant to cover the cost of the provided champagne bottle.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke


Who can juggle the longest? Participants must juggle at least 3 balls (but can juggle more if they choose). Only tennis and lacrosse balls will be provided; if you’d like a different type of ball, bring your own!

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Gennie

Achieve Balance

One at a time, participants stand in the center of a 10′ circle and balance a stick straight upright on one finger. Longest time balanced without leaving the circle wins.

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Luke


Mölkky is a lawn game, originally from Finland and very popular in France. Up to 26 players can play at a time.

The game consists of tossing a wooden throwing pin from 12 feet away at a set of upright pins numbered 1-12. If a single pin is knocked over, the player scores the number on the pin. If multiple pins are knocked over, the player scores the number of pins knocked over. Players take turns throwing, then standing the pins back up where they fell. First player to exactly fifty points wins.

If you exceed 50 points you are set back to 25. If you completely miss 3 times in a row you are eliminated. You must have a drink in hand.

Categories: PhysicalDumb Luck
Submitted by Bryan

Wasps in a Jar

Guess how many wasps are in a jar full of wasps. No, seriously, I have a jar full of wasps and you have to guess how many are in it.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Guess the Distance

Several colored cones are placed in a field. Each competitor writes down their estimate (in inches) for the distances of the cones from a predetermined central point. The absolute value of the difference between each guess and the actual distances are combined, and the player with the lowest total error wins.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Pond Long Jump (Standing Start)

Standing on the edge of the dock, jump as far as you can. Jump distances are measured from the nearest point to the dock where your body touches the water.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Pond Long Jump (Running Start)

Run from 20′ back and leap off the end of the dock as far as you can. Jump distances are measured from the nearest point to the dock where your body touches the water.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Spelling Bee

A swarm of literate bees is released onto the competitors… Other than that it’s a normal spelling bee with standard rules.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Fast Talker

Who can speak the fastest…and most clearly? Everyone will receive the same paragraph(s) of text and have one minute to read as much of it as possible into a phone with dictation running. Your score is the number of words you can read before the minute is up – but only the words that the dictation software records correctly count, so make sure to enunciate! In the case of a tie, the person with fewer errors wins.

Categories: MentalPhysical
Submitted by Gennie

Slap Cup Tournament

Two round tournament. Round one will consist of 6 games, with a randomly-selected group of half the participants playing in each (so each person plays 3 games in the first round). Players will earn one point for every cup they slap and lose one point for every cup they drink. The players who aren’t playing in the current game will keep score for those who are, so that no one has to keep track of their own score while playing.

After the first round, the players with the highest cumulative scores will move on to the finals, with their scores reset to zero. The final round will consist of two games, with everyone shuffling locations around the table between games. The player with highest combined score from the two final games will win the gold!

Categories: DrinkingEndurance
Submitted by Gennie

Pudgy Bunny

How many marshmallows can you shove in your mouth, without swallowing, and say pudgy bunny?

Categories: EatingPhysical
Submitted by HP

Croquet Tournament

Depending on how many participants we have, either the winner or top 2 of the first games will advance to the next round.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by HP


10 targets will be set up at a range of approximately 20-50 yards. Each round, every participant will take a turn firing a single shot at the active target. Once each participant has taken their shot at the target, we will progress to the next target in the series and begin the next round. Most hits after 10 rounds wins. Ties will go to sudden death where all tied participants continue with rounds until the tie is broken.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Pop Culture Trivia

Teams compete answering tv, movie, and music trivia questions I will create. Most points wins.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by HP

Name That Tune

Songs play on random. Name the artist for 1 point. Name the song for 1 point.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by HP

Hungry Hungry Hippos

One person lays on their belly on a skateboard, their partner moves them using their feet. The rider has a laundry basket and tries to collect as many balls as possible. The most balls wins.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by HP

Canoeligan Grand Proxy

Participants have 10 minutes to find a surrogate animate object (think frog, grasshopper, etc) to race for them. No humans, domestic animals, or battery powered objects. Surrogates are then lined up at the starting line, and have 69 seconds to race. Winner is whoever crosses the finish line first or is closest when time elapses.

Categories: MentalDumb Luck
Submitted by Bryan

Canoeligan Battle Royale

Nerf guns of varying capacities are hidden around the battle arena. Participants start outside, then have two minutes of immunity to run around, hide, find weapons. Then the battle begins. Get shot and you’re out, and join the ‘storm’ of spectators on the margins of the battle, slowing pushing the fight to the center. Last man standing wins.

Categories: PhysicalEnduranceMentalDumb Luck
Submitted by Bryan

Making Bail

Working in teams, bail out a canoe using only kickballs. Least water remaining after a set time wins. Opponents may run interference by bombarding with water balloons from the shore.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Bryan

The Canoeliganest Pink

Mix the Canoeliganest Pink, using found objects. Standard photos will be taken and hex value distances will be used to judge the closest pink.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Bryan

Marble Race

Everyone gets to pick a marble and set them up at the start line. The starting block is lifted and the marbles are off, first to cross the finish line wins.

Categories: Dumb Luck
Submitted by Luke

Salad Bowl

Each participant writes 5-10 words on slips of paper and drops them into a big bowl. We then split into two teams and alternate taking 1-minute turns, cycling through every member of each team as the clue giver. Each round we go through every word in the bowl and then put them all back in for the next round.

Round one, the clue giver describes the word without saying it, round two is charades, and round three the clue giver can only use a single word description. Your team gets a point for every word they successfully guess, and loses a point for every word that the clue giver skips or “cheats” on (e.g. talking during charades or saying more than one word during the final round). The team that ends up with the most points wins!

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Gennie

Beer Pong Tournament

Teams of two using 10-cup setup. Single elimination tournament.

Categories: DrinkingPhysical
Submitted by Gennie

Codenames Tournament

Teams of 4-6 players, with the spymaster being randomly selected for each game from the players who haven’t yet been spymaster. Tournament style will depend on number of teams that want to participate. Game Info

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Gennie


Everyone plays three games of Quiplash – either all together, or if there are more than 8 participants we’ll randomly group people for games until everyone has played three times (playing one game at a time so everyone else can vote from the audience). Your final score is the sum of your three scores!

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Gennie

Kan Jam Tournament

Single-elimination tournament, following official Kan Jam rules.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Shuttle Putt

Head to head single-elimination speed putting competition.

Players face off with 10 discs each. Each disc cannot be thrown until that players previous disc has been successfully scored. Any missed discs must be immediately retrieved and re-thrown from the designated throwing area.

Initial bracketing determined by each player throwing 10 discs at the basket, best scores match against worst. Buys given to fastest times throughout the competition.

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Luke

Unsanctioned Orienteering

Course TBD, with a completion target time of 30-60 minutes. Maps provided by organizer, compasses provided by participants. Could be a winter event on skis or snowshoes.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke


Hands tied behind your back and blindfolded, you have one minute to walk as far as possible.

Categories: Dumb LuckPhysical
Submitted by Luke


Doubles tournament. Single elimination.

Categories: PhysicalEndurance
Submitted by Caitlin

The Search for 69

Find a stick 69cm long, a rock 69 oz, and 69ml of water. Your score is the sum of your margins. Low score wins.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke


Axes, old school two man saws, throwing hatchets and beers? What could go wrong!

Teams of two. Teams could go one at a time up to as many as space and equip allow. Ideally 2+ teams racing at once.


  1. Each team member shotguns a beer to start. Timer starts when first can is punctured.
  2. Two man log carry, hilly or uneven terrain preferred. 5 sec penalty every time log touches ground. Place log on saw horses / stands.
  3. Cut log into 4 chunks with 2 man saw.
  4. One team member shotguns beer while other splits two logs. 3 sec bonus if logs are split into at least 4 pieces before beer is finished. Team members switch.
  5. Load split wood into wheelbarrows and move to stacking zone.
  6. Shotgun beers & stack wood
  7. Each team member gets 3 tries with throwing hatchet at a target for time bonuses.
  8. Sprint back to starting line and shotgun final beer. Timer stops when last beer is finished.
Categories: PhysicalEnduranceDrinking
Submitted by Tim

Spool Rolling

Stand on the wooden spool at the starting point, and travel as far as you can in one minute without falling off.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

To Build a Fire

A string is stretched at 3 feet off the ground across each participant’s fire location. Each participant is given 3 matches and has 5 minutes to prep materials. Matches must be used to light the fire at no higher than 3 inches. Burn through the string. No holding kindling aside from placing it on the fire.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Paper Airplane Distance Competition

One piece of paper per participant. 2 attempts to fly it as far as possible.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Canoe of War

4 people, 2 boats, 1 rope, you do the math.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Tape Measure Triathlon

Event 1: Freestanding Tape
One hand on the tape, distance measured to hand at the moment of break. 1 minute limit.

Event 2: Blind Measure
Participants are given a randomly chosen length to measure while blind folded, between 50 and 69 inches. 15 second limit. Thumb nail indicates exact point.

Event 3: Extension Toss
Hold the tape measure in one hand and cast the end as far as you can.

2 attempts at each event, best result recorded. Each event earns 3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd place; most points at the end wins the gold.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Sledgehammer accuracy

Can you sledge hammer nails into a log in one strike?

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Zach

Breath holding

Who can hold their breath the longest?

Categories: Endurance
Submitted by Zach

Beer Ball Tournament

Teams of two stand on either side of a table. Each person has an upside-down beer can on the corner in front of them, and one team starts with two ping pong balls. On your turn, throw the ping pong ball at the other team’s beer cans; if you hit one of them, flip over your own can, open it, and start chugging until the other team finds the ping pong ball and slaps it onto the table. You and your partner can play defense for one another to prevent the other team from getting the ball (but no tackling, and no touching the ball or trapping it under you on the ground, etc.).

First team to finish both of your beers wins! But remember, if your can falls off the table and spills at any point before it’s empty, you have to get a fresh beer and start all over again. Single elimination tournament.

Categories: PhysicalDrinkingEndurance
Submitted by Gennie

Pick a Card, Any Card

The dealer shuffles a deck and picks a random trump suit, then all participants draw a card. Highest card wins a point (any trump card beats any other suit; for ties, both players get a point). Dealer then reshuffles and picks a new trump. First to 10 wins.

Categories: Dumb Luck
Submitted by Gennie

Crossword Solving

All participants will receive a paper copy of a blank medium-easy crossword puzzle (think Tuesday or Wednesday from the NYT). Everyone will start solving at the same time and announce when they’re done. Fastest time wins! But…be very sure of your answers – any incorrect squares will automatically disqualify you from winning.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Gennie

Canoe Race

Race a canoe from point A to point B. Teams of two.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Caitlin

Measure 10lbs

From a large container of earth, each participant will be tasked with collecting 10lb in a bucket. Closest wins.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Time Keeping

Each participant must provide their own timer. Before the event begins, a random time will be chosen between 69 and 169 seconds. On the call of GO, all participants start their timers and close their eyes. Participants have one chance to stop at the chosen time.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Quarter Spin

Each participant starts spinning their quarter at the same time. Spinning quarters must remain within a designated area and balanced on their edge for the duration of the spin, or the quarter is considered dead. Players may flick their quarters with one finger at a time to aid in the spin. Try to get the longest continuous spin!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Ping Pong Ball Triathlon

Event 1: High Bounce
By the rules of high jump. Height starts at 69 inches and raises by 6 inches each round. 2 attempts allowed to clear each stage.

Event 2: Accuracy
Bounce ping pong balls in sequence into a row of solo cups extending away from the participant. 2 misses allowed.

Event 3: Blow
Balance a ping pong ball in the air with your breath, longest time wins. All participants start on the call of ‘GO!’, and are eliminated the moment the ball crosses the plane of their lips.

Each event earns 3 points for 1st, 2 points for 2nd and 1 point for 3rd place; most points at the end wins the gold. Bounces must be made within a designated circle on the bounce surface.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Luke

Measured Mile

Everyone is given a stake and starts from the same point on a trail, with the goal of placing their stake closest to the one mile line down the trial. Participants have 15 minutes to place their stake. Travel by foot with no electronic or physical aids. Once placed in the ground, a stake cannot be moved. If 2 participants have placed their stake at the same point, the first placement wins a tie.

Categories: Mental
Submitted by Luke

Three-Legged Race

Teams of two are tied together and race to the finish line. May the best working team win!

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Caitlin


We’ll split into two teams and play a game of kickball.

Categories: Physical
Submitted by Gennie

Lady & Tramp Shotgunning

You and your partner have to shotgun a 24oz beer can together – carefully punch holes in opposite sides of the can, then pop the tab and start chugging!

Categories: Drinking
Submitted by Gennie

Speed Typing

Take a 3-minute online typing test and try to get the best (adjusted) WPM!

Categories: MentalPhysical
Submitted by Gennie